Architectural/Building/Construction GRP Moulding

Roof Storage at at Singleton Hospital, Swansea
Glass Fibre composite materials bring great advantages to construction applications, including:
Strength and versatility
Lightweight and easy of handling compared to other building materials
Durability. GRP does not deteriorate, or even lose its colour, over time.
Easy and cost effective to reinforce for greater strength
With its ability to be moulded into virtually any shape and made in any colour Glassfibre is one of the most versatile and cost effective materials used in construction today.
At Glassfibre Moulders we can make bespoke mouldings to suit your specifications and designs.
Contact us with details of your requirements or call us on 01446 794649 to discuss how we can help you.
Air Conditioning Roof Terminals
We manufacture Air Conditioning Roof Terminals in a variety of sizes and colours.

Terminals for delivery

Fibreglass Roofing

Glassfibre Flat and Sloping Roofs

Glassfibre is ideal for a range of roofing installations
GRP is a relatively inexpensive material. However, its durability and light weight make it an ideal material for roofing and roof installations. It also has other advantages, e.g.
Ability to withstand high temperatures
Resistance to chemicals
Easy to repair
For specialist applications, additives can be included to make it fireproof or non-slip.
GRP can be used in almost any environment it is robust, flexible and can never corrode.
Glassfibre flat roofs provide an entirely weatherproof surface. Using GRP, many of the problems associated with traditional flat roofing materials simply don't happen. There are fibreglass roofs installed over 25 years ago that still do not show any signs of deterioration.
Contact us with details of your roofing projects or call us on 01446 794649 for cost effective solutions